Film debut – TEILHARD: Visionary Scientist

BROADCAST DEBUT: May 19, 2024, at 4pm (EDT) on Maryland Public Television (MPT) in USA. Then NATIONAL STREAMING: May 20, 2024, on the free PBS […]

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30 minutes of excerpts from the staged reading of Inquisition, Paul Bentley’s play about Teilhard de Chardin and the notorious “Six Propositions” that he was […]

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Matt Lloyd Landry’s Teilhard blog

Matt Lloyd Landry runs a blog about Teilhard at The current article is “How Evolution Becomes Conscious of Itself Through Love”. How does Teilhard’s […]

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The British Teilhard Network

The British Teilhard Network promotes the work and vision of the priest-scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin – a vision of love, of fire, of convergence, of a world in evolution energised by spirit, a vision of dynamism and direction – of a universe in movement towards its ultimate consummation or completion in a ‘universal cosmic centre’ or ‘centre of centres’.
Where are we heading?
What is the meaning of life?
Teilhard gives answers to these questions based on deep thought, reflection and mystical insight.
Are you on a quest that makes sense in our world – a world of change, a cosmos in evolution? If you are, this is the site for you.

Follow the daffodil. There is only light in front of us – by Nancy Sylvester – Global Sisters Report
“Sometimes it’s hard to gain perspective. The situation in our world just doesn’t seem to let up. The war in Ukraine continues. The devastation in Gaza is still being revealed. The dysfunction in Congress seems unending, The political season promises more polarization…”

The Jesuit and the Skull: Teilhard De Chardin, Evolution, and the Search for Peking Man by Amir D. Aczel – Riverhead Books 2007
Amir D. Aczel is a visiting scholar in the Department of the History of Science at Harvard University, an affiliate professor at the University Of New Hampshire, a research fellow at Boston University, and a Guggenheim fellow.

Teilhard de Chardin

vision of love, of fire, of convergence, of a world in evolution energised by spirit, a vision of dynamism and direction.

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The Network

A network of web sites and resources dedicated to promoting the work and vision of Pierre Teilahrd de Chardin.

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Resources, publications and links to help you understand and learn more about Teilhard's vision and work.

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

(Photograph: Fondation Teilhard de Chardin Paris)

Who was Teilhard de Chardin?

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 - 1955) was a French Jesuit, a distinguished palaeontologist and geologist, and especially well known as a religious writer, the author of The Human Phenomenon and The Divine Milieu, and other books. He was a fervent Christian mystic, a deeply caring pastor of souls, and a thinker who developed and projected forward the meaning of the Christian gospel in the light of modern science and evolution.

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