Book List

a) Collected Works of Teilhard de Chardin in English translation

(Dates shown below are the dates of publication by the English-language publishers.)

The Human Phenomenon, Collins (UK), Harper and Brothers (US), 1959; Sussex Academic Press, 1999
The Appearance of Man, Collins (UK), Harper and Row (US), 1965
The Vision of the Past, Collins (UK), Harper and Row (US), 1966
The Divine Milieu, Collins (UK), Harper and Brothers (US), 1960
The Divine Milieu, Sussex Academic Press (UK), 2003
The Future of Man, Collins (UK), Harper and Row (US), 1964
Human Energy, Collins (UK), Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (US), 1969
Activation of Energy, Collins (UK), Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (US), 1970
Man's Place in Nature, Collins (UK), Harper and Row (US), 1966
Science and Christ, Collins (UK), Harper and Row (US), 1968
Christianity and Evolution, Collins (UK), Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (US), 1971
Toward the Future, Collins (UK), Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (US), 1975
Writings in Time of War, Collins (UK), Harper and Row (US), 1968
The Heart of Matter, Collins (UK), Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (US), 1978

Letters in English, or in English translation

Letters from a Traveller, 1923-55, Collins (UK), Harper and Row (US), 1962
Letters from Egypt, 1905-08, Herder and Herder, 1965
Letters from Hastings, 1908-12, Herder and Herder, 1968
Letters from My Friend Teilhard de Chardin, 1948-55, Paulist Press, 1980
Letters from Paris, 1912-14, Herder and Herder, 1967
Letters of Teilhard de Chardin and Lucile Swan, 1932-55, Georgetown University Press, 1993
Letters to Leontine Zanta, 1923-39, Collins (UK), Harper and Row (US), 1969
Letters to Two Friends, 1926-52, New American Library (US), 1968, Fontana (UK), 1972
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin-Maurice Blondel, Correspondence, 1919, Herder and Herder, 1967
The Making of a Mind, 1914-19, Collins (UK), Harper and Row (US), 1965

Other texts in English

Hymn of the Universe, Collins, (UK), Harper and Row (US), 1965
Let Me Explain, Collins (UK), Harper and Row (US), 1970
On Happiness, Collins (UK), Harper and Row (US), 1973
On Love, Collins (UK), Harper and Row (US), 1972
On Suffering, Collins (UK), Harper and Row (US), 1975

b) Some secondary sources, biographies & other studies in English translation

BARBOUR, George, In the Field with Teilhard de Chardin, Herder and Herder, 1965
BRAYBROOKE, Neville, ed., Teilhard de Chardin, Pilgrim of the Future, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1965
CARLES, Jules, et DUPLEIX, André, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Centurion, 1991
CORBISHLEY, Thomas, SJ, The Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius, Anthony Clarke, 1963
CORBISHLEY, Thomas, SJ, The Spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin, Fontana, 1971
COUSINS, Ewert, ed., Hope and the Future of Man, Teilhard Study Library, Teilhard Centre/Garnstone, 1973
COUSINS, Ewert, Christ of the 21st Century, Element, 1992
COWELL, Siôn, The Teilhard Lexicon, Sussex Academic Press, 2001
CUÃNOT, Claude, Science and Faith in Teilhard de Chardin, Teilhard Study Library, Garnstone, 1967
DELFGAAUW, Bernard, Teilhard de Chardin, Wereldfenster, 1961; Evolution, The Theory of Teilhard de Chardin, Fontana, 1969
DE TERRA, Helmut, Memories of Teilhard de Chardin, Collins, 1964
DOBZHANSKY, Theodosius, The Biology of Ultimate Concern, New American Library, 1967, Fontana, 1971
DODSON, Edward, The Phenomenon of Man Revisited, Columbia University Press, 1984
FARICY, Robert, SJ, Building God's World, Dimension, 1976
FARICY, Robert, SJ, Christian Faith and My Everyday Life, The Spiritual Doctrine of Teilhard de Chardin, St. Paul, 1981
FARICY, Robert, SJ, All Things in Christ, Teilhard de Chardin's Spirituality, Fount, 1981
FARICY, Robert, SJ, and ROONEY, Lucy, SND, Knowing Jesus in the World, Praying with Teilhard de Chardin, St Pauls, 1999
GALLAGHER, Blanche Marie, BVM, Meditations with Teilhard de Chardin, Bear, 1988
GRAU, Joseph, Morality and the Human Future in the Thought of Teilhard de Chardin, Fairleigh Dickinson, 1976
GRAY, Donald, The One and the Many, Burns and Oates, 1969
GRAY, Donald, The Phenomenon of Man: Its Inner Dialectic, Riverdale Studies No. 2, Riverdale, 1976
GRENET, Paul, Teilhard de Chardin, Souvenir, 1965
HANSON, Anthony, ed., Teilhard Reassessed, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1970
KING, Thomas, SJ, Teilhard's Mysticism of Knowing, Seabury, 1981
KING, Thomas, SJ, Teilhard de Chardin, The Way of the Christian Mystics, Michael Glazier, 1988
KING, Ursula, Towards a New Mysticism, Collins, 1980 (UK), Seabury (US), 1980
KING, Ursula, The Spirit of One Earth, Reflections on Teilhard de Chardin and Global Spirituality, Paragon, 1989
KING, Ursula, Spirit of Fire, The Life and Vision of Teilhard de Chardin, Orbis, 1996
KING, Ursula, Christ in All Things, Exploring Spirituality with Teilhard de Chardin, SCM, 1997
KING, Ursula, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Selected Writings, Orbis, 1999
KLAUDER, Francis, SDB, Aspects of the Thought of Teilhard de Chardin, Christopher, 1971, with Glossary of Interrelated Terms KROPF, Richard, Teilhard, Scripture and Revelation, Fairleigh Dickinson, 1980
LEWIS, John, ed., Beyond Chance and Necessity, Teilhard Study Library, Teilhard Centre/Garnstone, 1974
LISCHER, Richard, Marx and Teilhard, Two Ways to a New Humanity, Orbis, 1979
MONTAIGNE, 1962; The Religion of Teilhard de Chardin, Collins, 1967
de LUBAC, Henri, SJ, The Faith of Teilhard de Chardin, Burns Oates, 1965
de LUBAC, Henri, SJ, ed., Pierre Teilhard de Chardin-Maurice Blondel, Correspondence, Herder and Herder, 1967
de LUBAC, Henri, SJ, The Eternal Feminine, Collins, 1971
de LUBAC, Henri, SJ, Teilhard and the Problems of Today, in The Eternal Feminine, Collins, 1971
LUKAS, Mary, and LUKAS, Ellen, Teilhard, Collins, 1977
LYONS, James, SJ, The Cosmic Christ in Origen and Teilhard de Chardin, Oxford University Press, 1982
McCARTHY, Joseph, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, A Comprehensive Bibliography, Garland, 1981
MALONEY, George, SJ, The Cosmic Christ from Paul to Teilhard, Sheed and Ward, 1968
MALONEY, George, SJ, The Breath of the Mystic, Dimension, 1974
MALONEY, George, SJ, Mysticism and the New Age, Christic Consciousness in the New Creation, Alba House, 1991
MOONEY, Christopher, SJ, Teilhard de Chardin and the Mystery of Christ, Collins, 1966
O'MANIQUE, John, Energy in Evolution, Teilhard Study Library, Garnstone, 1969
RAVEN, Charles, Teilhard de Chardin, Scientist and Seer, Collins, 1962
REYNOLDS, Barbara, intro., Dante, The Divine Comedy, Paradise, Penguin, 1962
RIDEAU, Emile, SJ, Teilhard de Chardin, A Guide to His Thought, Collins, 1967
SKEMAN, James, SJ, Praying with Teilhard de Chardin, St. Mary's Press, 2001
SPEAIGHT, Robert, Teilhard de Chardin, Collins, 1967
TOWERS, Bernard, intro., Evolution, Marxism and Christianity, Teilhard Study Library, Garnstone, 1967
TOWERS, Bernard, Concerning Teilhard and Other Writings on Science and Religion, Collins, 1969
WILDIERS, Norbert Max, Teilhard de Chardin, An Introduction, Fontana, 1968
ZONNEVELD, Leo, ed., The Desire to be Human, International Teilhard Compendium, Mirananda, 1983